Many universities apply their own entrance exams, knowledge verification tests, conducts motivation and language tests to verify if the candidates meet pre-requisites to study the chosen programme - selecting the best candidates based on graduation grades is not an easy task for admission officers.
e-Scheduler offers a platform to place and conduct standardised and customised tests, tasks and to schedule the time of the examination/interview convenient for both the university's officer and the applicant. The system provides safe, confidential and trustable tool to organise to admission process faster and without physical travelling and to receive the best students in the class.
Get More Benefits
e-Testing tool simplifies scheduling online entrance examinations, motivation interviews as well as conducting them. Even though e-Counselling platform is designed for admission officers, it may be applied by agents to verify, for example, applicants' foreign language skills.

Save Time And Money
e-Testing eliminates physical calendars, notes to schedule examination, and offers to choose the most suitable time from offered by the educator to both the admission officer and the applicant. Try it and if you like it, you may think to use e-Testing instead of physical examination.

Enhance Reach
Even if you prefer face-to-face examination, e-Testing may be a solution if physical exam is impossible due to the distance, problematic visa procedures or timing.

Communicate Easily
e-Scheduler ensures that interactivity is just as good as it would be on physical examinations and interviews. You can see each other, share examination tasks, use whiteboard, write notes and even record it.

Mobile Friendly
Our platform supports all mobile devices allowing convenient and conventional communications.

Network Security
You need not worry about technical issues or network security since technical team is available 24/7.
For Universities (Admission Officers)

Reach events efficiency
e-Testing allows you to upload your examinations and to give a random one to your applicant. You may also provide the correct answers if it is a test, so the system calculates the right answers immediately, otherwise you can download the paper and evaluate it yourself.

Plan and be informed
e-Scheduler is synchronised with your e-calendar to keep up with all the day's plans, appointments and contacts. Compare and analyse how much time applicants take to finish the test, correlate the time and the right answers, which test question produces the biggest number of mistakes, and have accumulated results of each intake.
For Students/Applicants

Remove Geographical Boundaries
e-Testing allows you to participate in exam or motivation interview if you can't physically attend the examination in the chosen university.

Optimum Decision
If you attend motivation interview, use this opportunity to ask questions about the studies environment, research, student projects and other things that influence your decision.
How to use?
e-Scheduler featuring the features of live examination allows you to conduct motivation interviews, knowledge testing online. You will not need shared Google documents, Skype and other platforms anymore. It is simple to publish your examination timetable, select time and participate in the exam.
If you are An Admission Officer
Register & Login
Create Profile
3. Schedule examinations sessions Invite applicant(s); Synchronise with e-calendar
4. Conduct counselling session(s) Upload customised tasks, tests; Share screen; Use whiteboard
Follow up , Generate statistics.
If you are An Applicant
Register to attend the exam or interview
Register for available and suitable time slot Synchronise with e-calendar
Get confirmation, pre examination guidelines
Attend the session Share the screen; Send documents; Make notes
Get the examination results
Our Clients
Our clients from different regions of the world- educators, agents, service providers - emphasize the ease of using the e-recruitment tools even without deep virtual conferencing experience. had been a great relief in the student recruitment world where technology plays a vital role in business development and achieving the targets.

We take the privilege of bringing this user friendly platform to all our clients with utmost efficiency and a technical proficient backend team to make the best use of this for all our clients. Try it for free!